Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Company Schedule Tool

Our vision is that our users will be hand-held through critical company dates and events (taxes, returns etc).

Users should have a clear idea of what is due and when and can use the system to walk them through the task - be it a VAT return, a Payroll run or a Corporation Tax payment.

The start of this can be seen in the new 'Schedule" tab at the top of the screen. From here you can see a list of dates and actions required.

Currently covered is PAYE and VAT deadlines. Soon to come though will be CT, CIS, Annual Returns, invoices due for payment etc etc.

Watch this space...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Menu changes and expense filtering

We're going through the site adding context sensitive menus to each area. These are to replace the blue menu box at the bottom of some pages.

Hopefully this will make navigation to popular areas even quicker.

You'll also notice that you can search / filter on Expenses now too.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Invoice Searching Filtering & Colour Coding

Finding your way around invoices just got easier. You can now search / filter by date, status and invoice reference.

Overdue invoices are in red and draft invoices are in green..

We've replaced the invoice "Type" column with the invoice "Due Date" and added a purchase / sales selector to the top of the list.

Hopefully that all adds a splash of colour to your invoicing...

Monday, 29 November 2010

Payroll Summary

Check out the new link "Payroll" in the pop-up menu. This is a simple summary of the payroll entries that have already been made.

We'll soon be adding many more features to the payroll module including:
  • changing your payroll settings
  • updating / viewing taxcodes
  • view branded payslips
  • run payroll
  • view tax payments due and payment dates

Director's Account / Payments and Loans

Bank statements now contain more detail on each item and the director's account statements should be clearer now too.

The main menu now also contains a "Directors Payments" link for recording payments to the director. Plus a "Loans" link for recording any payments made by a director to the company as a loan.

We are currently working on the user interface for the payroll engine. Updates coming soon...

Date Picker & In-page Help

We've now rolled out the new date selector across the site... A few cumbersome tweaks in the old calendar control have now been eliminated.

Also we've now developed a format on on page "tips" which will be creeping in across the site. Look out for this icon:

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Date Picker / Calendar Updated

Yep - you'll be happy to hear that the standard data picker (pop up calendar) has been 'upgraded'.

The calendar now only shows when you click the icon to the right of any date field.

Any better?

Saturday, 20 November 2010

VAT Default on Sales Invoices

When adding a sales invoice it should now only allow the option to add VAT to items when the invoice date entered is after the company's VAT registration.

General Tweaks

A few minor tweaks here and there at the request of users:
  • Invoice details (date / reference) are shown when adding the invoice items.
  • A link back to edit main details from the invoice items edit page.
  • A contact's name is now shown where they have no company name.
  • A "view contact" link has been added to the page where you select a contact for an invoice.
Also - we are looking at a way to make the date selector more friendly for people doing 'bulk' inputting. Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Contact activity statements now live

If you view a contact and click the link "view account activity" you can see a statement of all activity for that contact. This includes: purchases, sales, money sent, money received.

A balance of zero indicates no money is owed in either direction at the date selected.

Negative amounts show that your company owes funds to the contact and visa versa.

Eventually these 'statements of account' could be emailed to your clients / suppliers.

Contact names and company names

Some contacts will have a company name others may simply be a person's name an visa versa. We've standardised the presentation of the contact's name to the format:

"Company Name Limited, Jon Sample."

or where there is no company name, simply:

"Jon Sample"

I hope that's clearer!

Sales invoice due dates

When creating a new sales invoice there is no need to add or update the due date if the standard terms are 30 days. It will automatically add 30 days to any invoice date you give.

You can click the 'custom' link to manually change from the default of 30 days.

If editing a sales invoice, though, you must manually change the due date as required.