Thursday, 25 October 2012

Save more than just one hour this weekend

The clocks are going back this weekend so we all get an extra hour in bed :-) !   If you like the sound of that then here's a few ways that Tempo can help save even more hours per month!

1) Bank-link - Make sure you are using our HSBC bank link service and never worry to have to send in bank statements again!  Tempo will also automatically email you when funds arrive into your business account.  You can also use the 'allocation wizard' to record imported transactions as expenses or director payments.

2) Self Assessment - Save several hours by instructing Tempo to complete your personal self assessment tax return and spend the time you save doing something much more interesting!

3) iPhone & Android Apps - Install Tempo's mobile app onto your phone.  Free up those Sunday afternoons by recording expenses whilst sat on the train or during a boring meeting!

4) Invoice Copy - If you produce regular invoices for the same client use our new one click 'copy invoice' facility to shave a few minutes off here and there.

5) Ask for Help - Tempo's team are here to help!  If something doesn't look right on your Tempo account or if you need help updating your records, don't struggle, contact the support team.  We try to respond to simple queries as quickly as possible.

Remember - Always check your Tempo dashboard and follow the red links!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Tempo ready for payroll changes - April 2013

In April 2013 HMRC is introducing "Real Time Information" (RTI) reporting for payroll information.

Instead of sending payroll information once a year as at present, HMRC will require notification everytime a payment is made to an employee.  HMRC report that this will be an improvement for employers, employees and themselves and will also assist in readiness for the new universal benefit system.

Tempo has the necessary arrangements in hand to ensure that this requirement is met for all our clients and we will keep you updated as new information is available.

As an employer you may receive notification of this change from HMRC.    You need to take no action on receipt of this letter and it is not necessary to send this in to us.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Coping invoices, uploading logos and more

Following our recent customer survey we are pleased to be making progress with the release of new features on our website.   Here are details of a few features that have just gone live...

Copying Invoices, Purchases and Expenses

A popular request was the ability to 'duplicate' or 'copy' invoices that have already been added to Tempo as many clients issue a similar invoice each week or month.  So to address this, all sales, purchases and expenses can be 'copied' into a new draft at the click of the button.

Find the original sales invoice (or purchase / expense) and when viewing the details click the new "copy" link (near the top right).  This will duplicate all details into a new draft for you to amend.  If it's a sales invoice a new invoice number is generated automatically.

Many people have also requested 'repeat expenses'.. watch this space...

Company Profile Page and Invoice Logo Upload

You'll notice a new link at the bottom of the 'quick links' on the dashboard "Company Profile".  This provides a basic summary of the company's details.  This information has been available before but this page now brings the key information together in one place.

You can also use this page to upload a logo for your company's sales invoices.  The logo will appear at the top right corner of your PDF invoice.  Have a go and then preview one of your sales invoices to see how it looks.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Tempo survives flooding!

As you know it rained at lot in August - yes we know it rained a lot throughout the summer but August was particularly bad for us as our office was flooded!  We arrived one Monday morning to find it underwater rendering it uninhabitable for over a month.

The aftermath in one of Tempo's offices 
The joy of working in a web enabled environment meant that this did not affect Tempo one jot.  Tempo does not depend on paper, local systems or fixed hard technology.  As long as we have access to the internet we can work from any place.  We therefore picked up laptops, which were safely stored, and relocated.

All accounts are web based, all the key documents are scanned and saved on the web and we can work as usual regardless of our physical environment.  Even our telephone system is run through the Internet so calls arrived as usual to our temporary location.

So our clients were unaware of the dramas in Nailsea, customer care and service carried on as usual.  Such a situation would have been unthinkable a few years ago and indeed would still be in traditional accountancy firms dependent on paper and localised resources.  Our client’s records and documents remained safe and nothing of significance was lost - other than Anna's favorite chair!

Redecoration is now complete and we are safely back in the office.

We were also pretty pleased to learn that Tempo received external recognition and has been shortlisted for a Customer Care Business Award.  So please forgive us for taking a few moments to pat ourselves on the back.